Grow Room Upgrade, Boosting Bloom Size

Switching over to a Drip Irrigation Hydroponic System of growing my carnations also gave me the chance to upgrade my entire grow room. As you know I have six 600W High Pressure Sodium lamps providing the much needed light for my flowers. At present I run them with Conversion Bulbs, which come as close to supplying sunlight indoors as possible.
I covered the four walls with large sheets of plastic--white on the inside, black on the outside. Plants need periods of total darkness in order to start flowering, so the black plastic acts as protection against light coming in during these dark periods. The white side of the plastic facing the plants reflects the light and makes sure that my carnations get every possible lumens necessary for photosynthesis.
Near the top of the grow room is an exhaust fan, removing the stale air from the room. Two air vents near the bottom of opposite walls bring in fresh air from the outside. Above the vents are the shelves to hold the ballasts for my lights. Automatic timers control the exhaust fan as well as an air intake fan located on the opposite wall. These fans are variable speed jobs, so when it gets hot they can cool the room within minutes, while at other times they can merely ensure minimum air circulation.
A third fan is placed on the floor aimed at the trays that hold the rockwool slabs with my carnations growing in them. This fan assures adequate air and oxygen getting to the root systems. As a further measure to make sure that enough oxygen is getting to the roots, I was advised to use HyOx, and Advanced Nutrients product designed for this purpose.
Oil-filled radiators have been installed wired to a thermostat. If the night time temperature, for instance, drops below a certain point, these radiators make sure that my carnations don’t get a chill. Much of this is operated automatically, as are the pH and CF measuring devices that make sure that my reservoir of nutrients is always at the optimum acid-alkaline balance, as well as at the right conductivity factor of the dissolved salts and nutrients.
In addition to the Grow-Micro-Bloom regimen, I will also test-run Sensi One Grow and Sensi One Bloom, as well as Sensi Grow A and B and Sensi Bloom A & B. I will experiment with these nutrient regimens, all made and guaranteed by Advanced Nutrients, in order to find just the right plant food solution for my carnations.
I am also planning to test out Big Bud and Bloom Booster Pro, to make sure that I’m using the right flower enhancer. The former was developed by the legendary plant scientist, Dr. Hornby, and is 100% guaranteed to increase the size of your harvest, or you money back. What have I got to lose?
Bloom Booster Pro will turn small flowers into larger ones, and since my carnations have the reputation of being the biggest blooms at the flower shop, I can’t afford not to use this product, which is packed with rich ingredients that enhance not only the quantity, but the quality of your flowers.
Other growers have been very enthusiastic about these Advanced Nutrients products, but I want to see for myself. I’ve also heard good things about Grandma Enggy’s Fulvic and Humic acid, refined from organic matter called leonardite that is actually mined!
Grandma Enggy is another legendary figure, whose Eastern European family have been farming organically for hundreds of years. Her Golden Honey Fulvic Acid is a natural product that is designed to augment synthetic nutrients. It contains the accumulated proteins that took a long time to mature underground, as well as vitamins and other growth enhancing elements.
The experts at Advanced Nutrients are more than willing to give you advice either over the phone or on their website. For instance, they told me about SensiCal Mg Mix, which not only contains the proper amounts of calcium and magnesium in easily absorbed formulations, but also other micronutrients that are essential for the health of my carnations.
I will continue to report on a weekly basis as to how my flowers are doing in their new, hydroponic environment. World wide sales of cut-flower carnations total ten billion U.S. per year. That’s not a figure to take lightly or for granted. These flowers deserve the best possible care and feeding regimen that horticultural experts can devise. For this expertise, I am sold on products made by Advanced Nutrients.
I’ve tried their competitors and in my estimation, Advanced Nutrients wins hands down every time!
posted by Jill @ 1:28 AM