
previously carnations-by-jill

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hydroponics Fights Intolerance!

From the country that brought you Osama bin Laden, now comes news that Red Roses are banned in the desert dictatorship. I was so busy marketing our own Red Roses, I missed this news item. However, Pedro and I are considering shipping some Red Roses to Saudi Arabia, just to subvert this asinine edict! Hydroponics against stupidity!
clipped from www.guardian.co.uk

Saudi Arabia bans sale of red roses

The sale of red roses and red gifts has been banned by Saudi Arabia's religious police in the run-up to Valentine's Day, reports a local newspaper.

Officials from the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice warned flower and gift shops to remove all red items, including roses and wrapping paper, from their shelves.

The authorities believe celebrating Valentine's Day is un-Islamic and encourages relations out of wedlock, which are strictly forbidden.

The crackdown has pushed up the price of the flowers on the black market, with some florists making deliveries in the middle of the night, the paper said.

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