Whitish Christmas, Big Buds, Darkened Theatres

While people are flocking to golf courses in Ontario, we might still get a whitish Christmas. The weather network forecasts flurries for December 25th, and light snow for Boxing Day.
Then the thermometer will dip down to minus 4 on the 29th, only to gradually go back up again to the plus 4—plus 6 range during the first week of the New Year.
The demand for flowers historically increases at this time of year, so I’ve already sold all that I’ve harvested from my mother plants in the last week or so.
My carnations are universally going into flower now, so I’ve applied Bud Blood only for one week. This bloom enhancer has to be mixed into your nutrient solution only for week 1 of the bloom phase.
As you know, I use a Drip Irrigation Hydroponic System to grow my flowers in the basement recroom of the house I bought after my divorce. Since single people are at a disadvantage at Christmastime (especially if their parents are deceased or live far away), I started a new tradition of attending as many newly released movies as I can.
It’s not that I haven’t been invited to spend the holidays with friends, but those that have families are only inviting me out of pity, while my single friends prefer to spend the holidays with people with whom they’re romantically involved.
Since I lack a significant other at the moment, I’m afraid it’s the silver screen and popcorn for me during the holidays.
I spend a lot of time with my flowers these days, babying them, making sure that they’re well fed. I’ve been using Emerald Shaman, which is a blend of over eighty certified organic herbs, vegetables, and fruits. The twist is that they are fermented—a process perfected in the Orient over centuries of experimentation.
Although it can also be used as a foliar spray, I prefer to mix it directly into my reservoir for root feeding. I’m also adding Sensi Cal Mg Bloom at this stage, in order to provide my carnations with essential Calcium and Magnesium, as well as some much needed micro-nutrients, such as Cobalt, Iron, Copper, Molybdenum, and Zinc.
Grandma Enggy’s Seaweed Extract is also blended into my mix at this time, since it is very much like a multi-vitamin, as well as an organic smorgasbord for the flowers that I love.
As an added bonus, Seaweed Extract also contains natural antibiotics that help my carnations develop a resistance to spider mites, aphids, scab parasites, powdery mildew, and other harmful fungi.
As I’ve said, during week 1 of my bloom phase I add Bud Blood to my reservoir, during weeks 2, 3, and 4 I add Big Bud, and weeks 5 & 6 it’s the turn of Overdrive.
These Advanced Nutrients bloom enhancers are very powerful and they should never be mixed together and given all at once. Doing so would irreparably damage your flowers.
If you check their individual NPK and add it to the NPK of your basic nutrient (in my case Micro, Grow, and Bloom) you’ll see that mixing them together would give your plants much too much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for their own good.
I’m about to spend my holidays in darkened movie theatres. Whatever your pleasure, hope you enjoy yours!
posted by Jill @ 5:00 PM
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